Ana Skobe ist eine Fotografin mit Architekturhintergrund, die zwischen
Ljubljana und Zürich lebt und arbeitet.
Sie schloss ihr Studium 2019 an der Fakultät
für Architektur der Universität Ljubljana mit einer Masterarbeit über
Architekturfotografie ab; nun setzt sie ihre theoretischen Bemühungen im Rahmen
eines Doktoratsstudiums fort.
Ana arbeitet an ihren eigenen Forschungs- und
Auftragsprojekten. Ihre Fotografien wurden ausgestellt, ausgezeichnet sowie in
in- und ausländischen Architektur- und Designmagazinen veröffentlicht. Darin
gibt sie ihre Erfahrung des Raums wieder, indem sie nicht nur die Architektur
beschreibt, sondern die im Objekt materialisierte Idee und ihre Beziehung zum
Raum mit ihrer eigenen Vorstellung desselben Objekts verbindet. Sie
interessiert sich dafür, wie sie wahrgenommen werden kann – was das Potenzial
ihrer spezifischen räumlichen Lösungen ist – und nennt dies Architektur(re)konstruktion.

(Re)constructing Architecture: The Unbuild Series, Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Lamut’s Art Salon, Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia.
Sony World Photography Awards 2024, Fotofest, Hastings, New Zealand
Sony World Photography Awards 2024, Promenade des Artistes, Montréal, Canada
Sony World Photography Awards 2024, Willy-Brandt-Haus, Berlin, Germany
Synthesis, Fotofestival Lenzburg, Lenzburg, Switzerland.
Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition 2024, Somerset House, London, UK.
Sony World Photography Awards 2024, Vincom Center for Contemporary Art (VCCA), Hanoi, Vietnam.
Contemporary Photography of Young Artists: Sales Exhibition of Photon Gallery, Gallery of the New University, Ljubljana.
Photonic editions II, Photon - Centre for Contemporary Photography, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Plečnik: the metropolis, place, garden, City Museum of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Art Stays, International Festival of Contemporary Art, FO.VI Gallery, Kidričevo, Slovenia.
(Ne)varno sonce, Mikado Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Fotovizije – Spomini, rotunda SNG Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
Fotovizije – Odtujenost, rotunda SNG Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica, Slovenia.
International Competition of Photograph in Artificial Light,
ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture, Barcelona, Spain.
Gledam širše, vidim več, Historical Atrium of the Ljubljana Town Hall, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
International Competition of Photograph in Artificial Light,
ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture, Barcelona, Spain.
International Competition of Photograph in Artificial Light,
ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture, Barcelona, Spain.
first prize in architectural categoryin the Sony World Photography Awards 2024
first prize in European Regional Awards for Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia & Herzegovina in the Sony World Photography Awards 2024
first prize in Vurnik’s photographic competition, Center for Architecture Slovenia
first prize in What shape is the space, Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities
first prize in Outsider magazine’s Photocontest Random playspaces
first prize in Vurnik’s photographic competition, Center for Architecture Slovenia
first prize in Vurnik’s photographic competition, Center for Architecture Slovenia
Fotovizionar Award, Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities
first prize in competition Living with water, Museum of Architecture and Design
first prize in International Competition of Photograph in Artificial Light, Barcelona School of Architecture
Fotovizionar Award, Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities
first prize in International Competition of Photograph in Artificial Light, Barcelona School of Architecture
first prize in International Competition of Photograph in Artificial Light, Barcelona School of Architecture
Pillar of the Comunity, Jane Withers. The World of Interiors, 43 (2), p. 10, 108-113. February 2023.
Detailing Plečnik: Matter and metaphor in Jože Plečnik’s architecture. Ljubljana: Faculty of architecture.
Bolj pomembno kot to, kar je na fotografiji, je tisto, kar je odsotno, Outsider, July 2022.
Moje delo ima mesto v svetu, Rast magazine, p. 46-55. June 2022.
Ana Skobe, arhitektka in fotografinja: "Vztrajati pri arhitekturi nujno pomeni vedno znova utemeljevati, kaj arhitektura je", Večer. December 2021.
Arhitekturna fotografija, Digitalna kamera, 99, p. 97-99. March/April 2020.
O arhitekturni fotografiji, Radio Študent, Hertz arhitektur #36, March 2020. (
(Re)konstruiranje arhitekture: Nezgrajena serija, AB architect's bulletin, p. 50-63. November 2020.
Kvadrat modrega neba, vrtec Mladi rod, enota Vetrnica arhitekta Stanka Kristla, Radio Študent, Hertz arhitektur #31, March 2019. (
Architectural Photography as Medim of (Re)presentation and Construction of Architecture, Master Thesis, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, October 2019.
2018 Arhitektura – kako se je vse skupaj začelo?, Ana Skobe: (S)misel, Outsider magazine, 13 (4), p. 68,69. March 2018.
Ana Skobe, arhitektka in fotografinja: "Vztrajati pri arhitekturi nujno pomeni vedno znova utemeljevati, kaj arhitektura je", Večer. December 2021.
Arhitekturna fotografija, Digitalna kamera, 99, p. 97-99. March/April 2020.
O arhitekturni fotografiji, Radio Študent, Hertz arhitektur #36, March 2020. (
(Re)konstruiranje arhitekture: Nezgrajena serija, AB architect's bulletin, p. 50-63. November 2020.
Kvadrat modrega neba, vrtec Mladi rod, enota Vetrnica arhitekta Stanka Kristla, Radio Študent, Hertz arhitektur #31, March 2019. (
Architectural Photography as Medim of (Re)presentation and Construction of Architecture, Master Thesis, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, October 2019.
2018 Arhitektura – kako se je vse skupaj začelo?, Ana Skobe: (S)misel, Outsider magazine, 13 (4), p. 68,69. March 2018.